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Harry Kane

Harry Kane is a financial writer and author who has covered wide topics related to business loans and finance for the last decade. He has been working as the Chief Contributor in finding out deals on various business finance products covered by Thebusinessfunds, a reputed business loan broker firm in the UK. The primary work of Harry is to analyse the loan requirements of various businesses according to their circumstances and affordability. He directly communicates with the loan aspirants and guides them to get the right loan matching their needs. He has a vast experience in finance writing, working with many major business firms in the UK. At Thebusinessfunds, Harry also used to write well-researched blogs covering the financial problems of business loan aspirants and providing relevant solutions. He is a postgraduate with MSc. in Banking and Finance.

How to Get Finance for Restaurants in the UK?

The restaurant industry is flourishing quite well in the UK, just like in other countries. There are plenty of restaurants here, from small-budget outlets to luxurious ones. It is thus understood that the restaurant business in the UK is booming and is a profitable option. This is the reason behind the rising demand for finance …

How do External Business Factors Affect Demand and Supply?

A business cannot run on its own. Outside the business, there are factors that have an impact on its success. Nobody can control external business factors, but they can have both positive and negative impacts. As a good entrepreneur, you will have to swim with the tide to cushion the blow of such factors. Make …

How to Start an E-commerce Business in 2024?

There is nothing new if you want to build an E-commerce business in 2024. The online business industry is booming. It has great potential to help you generate sizeable income. E-commerce platforms allow customers to shop for items at their convenience. One does not have to face the hotchpotch of shopping from a store. They …

How to Use Business Finance without Harming your Business Credibility?

Attaining business finance is a big responsibility in itself. You borrow money at a time of need to maintain the growth of your business. However, it is also important to repay the funds at the right time. If any issues come in handling the finances, it can directly spoil your business credibility. Also, the goodwill …

How Profitable is the Beauty and Fashion Industry?

Inflation continues to be the prime reason for the deviating sales volume. Consumers reduced the number of purchases in the wake of rising costs. The conscious spending may continue even in 2024. It makes the fashion industry market look subtle in the first half of 2024.  However, 2024 still looks better on the growth side. …

How E-commerce Funding Can Help Your Online Business?

After the rapid growth of the e-commerce sector in the country, every business owner must make an effort to stand out. Capital is the primary aspect that decides your initial growth here. It is why most businesses depend on e-commerce funding to optimise the bottom line. Funding helps when you need new equipment or more funds to …

How to Get Guarantor Business Loans and How Do They Work?

The guarantor business loans is a flexible loan product. If your business finances are not working at the moment, or you are facing other sorts of issues, then a business loan with a guarantor might work as the best solution.  This has its reasons though. In 2018, almost 48% of the UK businesses took out …

Difference between a bill and an invoice

Whether it’s an invoice or a bill, both are the vital part of a business. No sale of a product or service can take place without releasing the invoice and bill. Both have legal identities, too, in the eyes of the law.  If the seller does not deliver the product mentioned in the invoice, the …