How to Manage Your Business Debts without Hiring Any Professional?

In January,non-financial businesses in the UK (Public corporations and PNFC) borrowed 0.3 billion from banks and building societies. Alternatively, small and medium-sized businesses increased borrowing from 1.0 billion in December 2023 to a net repayment of 0.1 billion in January 2024. The growth of large enterprises in borrowing increased by 1.3% in January 2024 from 0.7% …

5 Funding Options to Grow Your Small Business in the UK

The proportion of trading businesses reports a drop from 26% in January 2024 to 22% in February 2024. Meanwhile, 55% of businesses reported static business turnover during the period. 18% of companies believe low customer demand is the prime reason behind business slowdown. Other reasons like rising energy costs and costly manufacturing materials also impact …

How Profitable is the Beauty and Fashion Industry?

Inflation continues to be the prime reason for the deviating sales volume. Consumers reduced the number of purchases in the wake of rising costs. The conscious spending may continue even in 2024. It makes the fashion industry market look subtle in the first half of 2024.  However, 2024 still looks better on the growth side. …

Are Business Loans in the UK Tax Deductible?

If you currently took out a business loan or are considering one to pay for your business expenses, you would want to know the tax deductions. Facilities like business loans in the UK premises encompass two main components: the gradual repayment of the borrowed capital and interest accumulation throughout the loan’s duration. If you are trying to …

How E-commerce Funding Can Help Your Online Business?

After the rapid growth of the e-commerce sector in the country, every business owner must make an effort to stand out. Capital is the primary aspect that decides your initial growth here. It is why most businesses depend on e-commerce funding to optimise the bottom line. Funding helps when you need new equipment or more funds to …

How to get business loans in the UK? A step-by-step guide

Running a business requires commitment, hard work and, above all, money. Not until you have enough money can you hit the ground running despite a great business idea. Even if you have some money to invest in your business, you will likely hinge on external sources. For those who do not want to lose part …

How to Get Guarantor Business Loans and How Do They Work?

The guarantor business loans is a flexible loan product. If your business finances are not working at the moment, or you are facing other sorts of issues, then a business loan with a guarantor might work as the best solution.  This has its reasons though. In 2018, almost 48% of the UK businesses took out …

How to get a Business Loan Secured by Real Estate in the UK?

A business loan secured by real estate is a commercial funding option. It allows business owners to borrow huge funds against any of the assets they pledge as collateral. This option is also called a secured business loan. This loan type offers a longer tenure as compared to the short ones with no collateral. Also, the …

Difference between a bill and an invoice

Whether it’s an invoice or a bill, both are the vital part of a business. No sale of a product or service can take place without releasing the invoice and bill. Both have legal identities, too, in the eyes of the law.  If the seller does not deliver the product mentioned in the invoice, the …

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